Creative Corner with Kareena | Natural Aromas Australia

It’s that time again! A new month means a new Creative Corner post. I hope you’ve all been keeping safe and well since we last spoke.

Today’s Creative Corner is a chat about business, spirituality, finding purpose and the power that nature can bring to our lives. Kareena is a mum, business owner, aromatherapist and so much more. She runs an online Essential Oil store called Natural Aromas, with a base in Brisbane, Queensland.

Every time I speak with her I come away feeling motivated, inspired and ready to get shit done! I’m excited to share this interview with you guys so you can feel the same.

Everyone, meet Kareena…

Kareena, I know a little bit about you as we’ve known each other for a little while now, but my readers don’t. Could you please give them a little intro to the Kareena story?

I grew up in Sydney and when I turned 21 I decided to leave all of my family and friends to move to QLD where I have been ever since. I have lived in over 12 different houses since. My heritage is Gypsy so that’s probably where my need to move comes from haha. I absolutely loved meeting new people along the way and have now gained life long friends that I cherish dearly.

Thank you! I love the fact that you enjoy meeting new people and having new experiences. That definitely lends itself to running a business. Tell us a little about Natural Aromas.

My beautiful and very loved business, started in 2020, is focused on the holistic wellness in our everyday lives – Essential oils with a range suitable for babies, kids and adults (men and women) in skin suitable roll-ons as well as pure oils for burning. I have found that with having two kids the Essential Oil blends I have created work really well for them, and myself, I might add. We like to live the most holistic life we can but anyone would admit, you cant beat Essential Oil aromas around the house.

The business set up process I found is super easy when you have amazing people to support and help guide you when needed. The most challenging thing, I think a lot of other business owners would agree, is to keep it as simple as possible without all of our big ideas jumping out too early to confuse not only ourselves but our customers. I’ve learned to keep it simple and understandable – don’t over complicate the message.

100% agree. Too many ideas make for a cluttered business. So, where does your passion for a natural, oil-filled lifestyle stem from? Did it start in childhood or evolve throughout your later life?

I have always been a huge fan of oils but found I could only select from the options that were available, where as now I have the amazing opportunity to blend and create a mix together that further helps my customers energy and overall wellness for them and their entire family and household.

Nice! You’ve got a wonderful family and have just welcomed a new bub. How do you manage the balance between family, work and everything in between?

Oh my goodness, it is definitely an ongoing challenge but finding the space and time between working, running a house and raising kids and managing the husband is not easy. I get as much of my work done as I can between baby naps, while I nurse and when the kids get to bed at night. Work is what I consider ‘me time’ as I find it enjoyable and relaxing so it is definitely my downtime. There’s not many that can say their job is their enjoyable self-care time but finding something you are truly passionate about makes it easy and fun!

True that. So, what was your previous career? Was it hard to make the decision to leave your job and become a business owner?

Corporate! That says it all! No, I had an amazing job in the corporate world and it soon came to me, much like my spiritual awakening, that once I fell pregnant with my son and was spending time with him, I decided to leave to corporate world and do something for me!

I then soon went on to managing and running a business for a beautiful lady on the Gold Coast while having my business as well – I am not a thrill seeker, but I certainly love the rush of managing 1 million things at once when it comes to business. From there is where I started Natural Aromas – just as the pandemic welcomed us with open arms.

Don’t get me wrong, there are definitely elements of the corporate world that I miss, but I wouldn’t change the decisions I made for a second. Finding your true passion and living your true self, that is the most rewarding life experience we can have.

Yeah, when you’re a creative at heart, the corporate world can sometimes feel like a muzzle. The experience is worthwhile, but it gets very restrictive. I get it. What do you enjoy most about being a small business owner?

With having kids and a busy life, it is much easier having a small business that is up to me to push and succeed. So, yes there is that, but in all honesty there isn’t anything I don’t enjoy. I enjoy my mental freedom and the creation of aromas that truly help the mind, body and spirit.

The freedom to set your own schedule and create your own work is an amazing benefit! What are 3 things you wish you’d known about running a small business before going into it?

Don’t be afraid! If you have an idea, write it in a journal, meditate on it and start mapping out the process you need to get it started.

Support other small businesses so if you need stockists, find them locally. And look for small businesses/friends/family who can also support you and help guide you in the areas you feel need more attention with fresh eyes.

Be you and love yourself! When having your own small business, you are the business. By being your truest form you have the opportunity to engage and find the best fitting people to help you along the way. The truest you is the most honest you which will come across in your business and from there you can start building amazing relationships with your team and customers or clients.

Yes! I love this. Without believing in yourself and loving you who you are, it’s hard to convince others that you’re a strong, competent business owner.

If you’re keen to learn more about the world of natural aromas, essential oils and holistic living, check out the links below and visit/follow the natural aromas website and socials…


Facebook: @naturalaromasaustralia

Instagram: @naturalaromasaustralia

Coffee is good. Sponsor Kareena’s next cup here:

If you have any questions at all for Kareena that weren’t answered in this article, pop them in the comments and I’ll follow up with her for you 🙂

Creative Corner will be back at the beginning of next month so follow the blog to stay in the loop!


Check out last month’s Creative Corner featuring sisters Kylie and Denise from The Doggie Bakery!

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